Monday, August 25, 2014

Catchy billboard sign

So I was driving down Cherokee Ave a couple weeks ago and saw a billboard that was upside down. I was so distracted the first time I saw it I couldn't even tell what it was even about. I just laughed and thought someone had one job and messed that one up...until I was going north on I65 and saw the same sign upside down again. I was driving too fast to read upside down. So it took a few times of passing it to read it. It was an advertisement for a gun and knife show. Not really my thing...but it caught my attention.

The bill board did what it was supposed to do...which is catch your eye and get your attention. However, I was more distracted by it being upside down it took me passing it a few times to actually read what it said. Had I not been local to the area and traveled those streets often I wouldn't have caught what it was even talking about.